Bladder Problem

Bladder Problem

The urinary bladder is a muscular sac in the pelvis, just above and behind the pubic bone. When empty, the bladder is about the size and shape of a pear. Urine is made in the kidneys and travels down two tubes called ureters to the bladder. The bladder stores urine, allowing urination to be infrequent and controlled. The bladder is lined by layers of muscle tissue that stretch to hold urine. The normal capacity of the bladder is 400-600 ml.

During urination, the bladder muscles squeeze and two sphincters (valves) open to allow urine to flow out. Urine exits the bladder into the urethra, which carries urine out of the body. Tumors and stones in the bladder can act as plugs and can make it difficult to urinate. In men, the upper portion of the tube that drains the bladder (the urethra) is surrounded by the prostate, which can enlarge and interfere with urination. Infection and inflammation of the prostate can cause symptoms similar to those of a bladder infection.

The human excretory system functions to remove waste from the human body. This system consists of specialized structures and capillary networks that assist in the excretory process. Chakra therapy is based on the belief that due to your own rigidity, past experiences and past belief systems you refuse to let go / release all that which is wasteful and junk, which hinders / blocks the normal process of life.

If you experience lower abdominal pain, which can often be severe, or pain or persistent difficulty when urinating then you should visit your doctor. Particularly if you have the need to pee more frequently, or have blood in your urine.

Once the diagnosis has been established and medical treatment has begun, the patient might consider beginning professional Chakra Therapy to enhance and speed up recovery while providing holistic and ultimate healing.

Swadhisthana Chakra also known as Sacral Chakra controls the way you think and feel. When the Swadhisthana Chakra is optimally active or energized, you are fearless by nature. You become creative, safe and protected. But when it becomes imbalanced when a person is unaware of the care and nurturing provided by their surroundings. Because he or she believes he or she is not deserving of or good enough to achieve anything in life, he or she has self-doubt.

They also believe they are unloved and uncared for, and they blame themselves or others for feeling unloved. Among the many things that may cause this chakra to become blocked are self-doubt, poor self-worth, dread of the unknown, and worry that something bad will happen to me, to name a few.

Once this Chakra is balanced, the person is free of self-doubt, and bladder problems are no longer a physiological issue anymore.

Chakra Therapy is a unique technique to open the blocked Chakras in the body and treat the ailments caused by these blockages. Chakra Therapy is an alternative therapy that does not have any side effects and treats not only the disease but transforms the affected individual to find their purpose in life and face it with renewed energy and vigor.

Chakra therapy opens the Swadhisthana Chakra and with the resulting restored energy and vitality the individual can easily counteract bladder problems.

Control is linked to urinary incontinence. It’s conceivable that life is trying to educate you to be more adaptable and to let go of people and circumstances. When you lose control of your life, you are forced to become aware of these elements of it. You must let go of inflexible ideas since they are just a kind of protection from your own sensitivity when you are unable to manage the circumstance.

Because incontinence is caused by a muscle that can no longer function properly, the patient may suffer from a mental deficiency or weakness. You may be subjected to a massive deceit, which may ultimately lead to despair.

Chakra Associated with
Chakra Blocked By
Chakra Unblocked When

Rudraksha Ratna Science Therapy (RRST) uses specific Rudraksha and Ratna (gemstone) in precise advanced stringing methodology for chakra awakening and healing.

A blocked Swadhisthana Chakra can be opened with the use of Rudraksha, gemstones and other techniques. Choosing the appropriate Rudraksha and Ratna as well as wearing them as per RRST methodology unblocks the Sacral Chakra and controls and cures bladder problems completely.

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